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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

concentration is must...

Concentration is must
Once Jesus Christ was going with his followers from the village .In the way he saw 12 small dug pits .One disciple enquired about the pits .Jesus said, `` Some person has dug these pits in search of water .When he couldn`t find the water in one pit , he left that pit and started digging another pit ---- and then third pit was dug – so this process went on and on. When he couldn`t find the water even after digging so many pits.He sat down .That person had no patience and concentration .That person has labored so much to dig so many pits if he concentrated his energy only in digging one pit  then surely he will be able to get water .If men does any work, he needs patience and concentration  then surely he will succeed in his work.``

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